Five steps to take if your credit card is stolen

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While using a credit card to make purchases is typically safe, even the most conscientious cardholders can be at risk of credit card theft. If your credit card is lost or stolen, follow these 5 steps.

1. Report stolen credit cards to your bank

If you lose your wallet, notice unusual activity on your credit card account or suspect your card details have been compromised, you should immediately sign on to CIBC Online or Mobile Banking and select “Report lost or stolen card”, or contact us.

Once your card is reported as lost or stolen, a replacement card will be sent to you. If you think someone may know your PIN, you should change it as soon as possible through a CIBC ATM or through CIBC Online or Mobile Banking. Learn more about reporting your card lost or stolen, changing your credit card PIN and more by visiting

It’s important to note that if you’re a victim of fraud, you may not be held liable for any of the associated losses. Review your CIBC Cardholder Agreement for additional details. 

2. File a police report

Not only should you call your bank in the event of credit card theft, but you should also file a report with the police. Documenting the incident with authorities may aid in finding the perpetrator and holding them accountable.

3. Call credit bureaus

Contact Equifax and TransUnion and request that a fraud alert be placed on your credit profile. You should also order and review your current credit report to ensure there are no other instances of credit card fraud. Should you find any information to be incorrect, notify the associated credit bureau.

4. Keep written records

When dealing with a stolen card, all communications and actions taken throughout the process of speaking with your bank, the police and credit bureaus, should be written down in detail. Document who you spoke with, the date and time you spoke, the context of the conversation, and any follow-up items.

5. Destroy associated cards and cheques

Be sure to destroy any remaining cards and cheques associated with the compromised account. If you used your stolen card to enroll in online banking, register your new account number once you receive one and ensure the old one has been cancelled and removed. If your stolen card was registered for automatic billing with a retailer or service provider, update them with your new account number.

How CIBC can help

Feel confident in the purchases you make when you sign up for a CIBC credit card that offers credit card fraud protection. Receive alerts when unusual activity occurs on your card and take advantage of CIBC’s identity theft assistance if needed. If you have more questions about credit card theft or credit cards in general, contact a CIBC customer service representative at 1-800-465-4653Opens your phone app..

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Lost or stolen cards: Contact us