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Budget calculator
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Get a crash course in student finances with this custom budget calculator.

If you’ve recently moved to Canada – or are about to – we can help you track the costs of your new adventure.

Keep track of your cash flow to help live the retirement life you want.
Budget calculator
Annual budget breakdown
Your cash flow at a glance
Save your budget as a PDF or print a copy so you can share it with your advisor. They'll use it to help build a strategy that's right for you.
Where's your money going?
Annual cash flow summary
Put your money to work for you. Learn about the best investing habits to adopt. Opens in a new window.
Plan for the unexpected
Be prepared for anything that comes your way. Create an emergency fund. Opens in a new window.
Prepare for retirement
Invest in your future. Boost your retirement savings with these tips. Opens in a new window.
Free up cash
Take advantage of these 7 hacks to help put extra cash in your pocket. Opens in a new window.
Plan for the unexpected
Be prepared for anything that comes your way. Create an emergency fund. Opens in a new window.
Get tailored spending tips
Take control of your finances with custom advice at your fingertips with CIBC Insights. Opens in a new window.
Free up cash
Take advantage of these 7 hacks to help put extra cash in your pocket. Opens in a new window.
Get debt help
Debt can be overwhelming, stressful and maybe even embarrassing. Take the first step to getting out of debt. Opens in a new window.
Understand your credit
Your credit record is one of the most important financial tools you have. Learn what you need to know about credit reports. Opens in a new window.
Cash flow breakdown
Cash flow breakdown