Smart Advice Family Finances

Discover tips from real parents helping their children with virtual classes.
Carissa Lucreziano Nov. 30, 2020 8-minute read

The fundamentals for any age

1. Establish some structure

2. Review the course curriculum and plan set by the teacher

3. Set up a productive study space

4. Encourage independence, but only after setting some ground rules

5. Separate school time and home time as much as possible


Additional tips for advanced learners

1. Encourage motivation

2. Encourage a growth mindset

3. Maintain communication with the teacher and school

Tips for students with an individualized education program (IEP)

1. Meet with the IEP team to review and adjust the plan

2. Provide additional support with focusing

3. Use the tech resources at your disposal

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Written by

Carissa Lucreziano
Vice President, Financial and Investment Advice, CIBC Personal and Business Banking

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