CIBC Smart™ Newcomer Hub Living In Canada

As a newcomer to Canada, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with the healthcare services available to you and how to access them.
Canadian Newcomers Network Jul. 10, 2024 3-minute read

Understanding coverage: What’s included and what’s not

Dental and eye care: Seeking additional support

Hospitals and emergency care: Where to turn in times of need

Navigating private health insurance options

Health and vaccination records: Essential documentation

Accessing healthcare services: Tips for newcomers

  • Register for a provincial health card: Upon arriving in Canada, you’ll need to apply for a provincial health card to access healthcare services. Each province has its own health insurance plan, so be sure to register with the appropriate authority in your province of residence.
  • Find a family doctor: Establishing a relationship with a family doctor or primary care provider is essential for ongoing healthcare management. Family doctors can provide preventive care, manage chronic conditions and refer you to specialists when needed.
  • Stay informed: Keep yourself informed about your healthcare coverage, rights and available services. Many provinces offer online resources and information hotlines to help newcomers navigate the healthcare system.
  • Seek community support: Don’t hesitate to reach out to local immigrant-serving organizations or community groups for assistance with navigating the healthcare system. These organizations can provide valuable support and guidance tailored to newcomers’ needs.


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