An important part of your planning is thinking about what you can do now to make sure you will achieve your financial objectives. Putting your financial future in shape doesn't have to be hard. Use this Retirement Checklist to assess how your retirement plan is shaping up.

Please complete the checklist below.

Am I doing all that I can today? Yes Not Yet
I have a retirement plan that will allow me to meet my personal business goals.
I review my plan annually and adjust it based on changes in my business.
I consult with a business advisor, lawyer and/or accountant about my retirement investments and plans.
I know how much income I will need for my retirement.
I know what other sources of retirement income I will have beyond the sale of my business.

Am I investing for maximum potential returns? Yes Not Yet
My portfolio includes a balanced mix of investments, both registered and non-registered.
I invest on a monthly basis.
I have an idea of the approximate rate of return on my total retirement investment portfolio.
I have reviewed and understand my current and unused RRSP contribution room.

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