Insights Tax And Estate Planning

As real estate prices soar, consider the tax and estate implications of transferring your cottage, chalet or cabin to future generations.
Jamie Golombek and Tess Francis Aug. 15, 2023 12-minute read

Income tax considerations

Example 1

Principal residence exemption (PRE)

Life insurance

Ownership through a family trust

Example 2

Estate planning considerations

Do the kids even want it?

Cottage sharing agreement

Sinking fund

Getting the right advice

1 We generally refer to a vacation property as a cottage in this article.

For U.S. vacation property planning, read our report Your U.S. vacation property could be quite taxing (PDF, 145 KB) Opens in a new window..

3 Starting in 2023, if you own a property in Canada for less than 365 consecutive days prior to its disposition, the “flipped property” rules may apply so that any gain realized is taxable as business income and not as a capital gain. As such, the PRE will not be available, and the entire gain is taxable as 100% business income. Exceptions exist for a number of life events including the death of the individual or a related party, an addition to a household, breakdown of a relationship, a threat to personal safely, serious illness or disability, work relocation or termination, insolvency or destruction or expropriation of the home.

4 In this article, spouse refers to someone to whom you are legally married. Partner refers to a common-law partner under the Income Tax Act, which means someone who cohabits with you in a conjugal relationship, provided the two of you have cohabited for the past 12 months or are jointly parents of a child.

5 This assumes taxation at the highest marginal tax rate in Ontario.

6 For more information about rental properties, read our report So…you wanna be a landlord? (PDF, 215 KB) Opens in a new window.

Ready to reach out?

Written by

Jamie Golombek, FCPA, CPA, CA, CFP, CLU, TEP
Managing Director, Tax & Estate Planning, CIBC Private Wealth

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Tess Francis, CFP, CPA, CA, CPA/PFS, TEP
Director, Tax & Estate Planning, CIBC Private Wealth

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