Megan Amorim
Infrastructure Business Services Group

Megan Amorim followed her family history to CIBC. Working in Technology Project Delivery, she’s a Project Coordinator in the Infrastructure Business Services Group. “I work toward planning and executing projects and activities that are implemented across the entire bank,” she says.

Collaborating with partners and vendors on a daily basis, there’s no shortage of responsibilities and requests from different groups. But Amorim thrives on the opportunity to leave her mark. “Being accountable for the success of the project is great,” she says.

“Being able to contribute to a project that’ll have an impact on the way we do things is really valuable,” she adds. “Also, being responsible for a specific aspect of the project is amazing. Having my voice heard and building towards an ultimate goal is a rewarding feeling. Asking for more is key; not settling, and pushing to demonstrate that you’re capable of taking on leading edge and complex projects.”

Her mindset is a product of her environment. Positive and optimistic, she overcame the challenges in her career journey to persevere and work her way through the ranks. “Being young and inexperienced, it’s hard to get recognition that you’re capable of proving your worth,” says Amorim. “One of the big things about CIBC is there’s lots of opportunity.  I worked in the Technology Career Programs during my second co-op as a Project Coordinator before moving into full time.”

Stability and opportunity are a potent mix. Developing talented young people who want to push themselves and achieve more is integral to CIBC’s culture — because building the future of banking is about loving what you do. “I’ve always been on the technology business side of things,” she adds. “Now, I’m on the project delivery side, and my experience has given me the skills to excel in my current role and to align with my career goals.”

Personal and professional discovery is what CIBC careers are all about. Amorim is one of many who are a shining example. “Communication is huge,” she says. “Try as many different roles as you can. There will be transferrable skills. You never know what’s going to lead to the next big step in your career.”